Welcome to Interstellar Cellar News Station. I am your host, Rook, here with all of the most important breaking news. Welcome back! Thank you for tuning in after yet another long break. We here at ISC news deeply appreciate all of our viewers. So, on to the news. Charli has been in a sunny mood like no other. Her cousin, Heidi the shepard, has been staying with her. The two have been playing endlessly and then crashing all day long for several days at this point. Charli and Heidi are the best of friends, and while her stay is not infinite, their experience truly is incredible. Something that is not sunny though is the weather. Rain has pummeled my town for ages now! Not that is a bad thing, of course. Heavy rainstorms, thunder and flooding have been encountered over the past few weeks. Thanks to our expert weather scientists that looked out the window today, the rain is now letting up and we may now return to a period of dryness. Thanks California, we love you dearly. Anyways, that's the news for today. Thank you for tuning into today's installment of ISC News!

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