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11/17/21-Luckily, the test is open note!
Not that I would have had a problem studying, for this topic is very interesting and certainly captures my attention. I am just relieved that a little work is off my shoulders.

11/16/21-Test incoming: Friday

11/16/21-We have been continuing our studies with DNA. DNA is super fascinating, and the application of such science to forensics and thus law is so cool! I really enjoy learning about this, as it has more scientific complexity than what we have been learning before, and it is more technical too. But I love learning about things like that. I am a very scientific person and science has always been my favorite subject. I cannot wait to cram more into my brain. Despite being absent yesterday and missing the entire lesson, I have been doing very well in this unit. I even taught my entire table group how to do the lab on paternity that we did today :) I am just that fabulously talented. Yknow~ This all comes easy to me because it really helps to love what you are learning. So if learning something ever becomes a chore or something that makes you groan, find the joy in learning it somehow. It really makes a world's difference. This is certainly the case and can be applied to any subject, which I really do need to apply this idea to history, heh.

11/5/21-Today, we began the DNA unit, after wrapping up the Fingerprinting unit. I am going to miss that unit, but we are now on to new and great things! DNA is a very fascinating area of science. One that I do not plan on moving into, but I still do enjoy learning about it. It is so interesting to know that we are made by nothing but chains of DNA. How cool! I am excited to learn more about this incredibly complex and deep subject. Additionally, I superglue fumed on my last day of fingerprinting! Superglue fuming is a very exciting way to develop fingerprints. It involves cyanoacrylate and sodium hydroxide in a moist environment, and when combined, it sticks to every surface in the chamber with the exception of anything wet- including the trace amounts of moisture found in the fingerprint. Interesting, isn't it? I could talk about all of the depths of forensics and super cool analysis methods all day. This sort of stuff really itches the brain bone, doesn't it? There was also a serial killer in a city near me, and that's scary. Luckily, the guy was locked up long ago. He was caught through a comparison of his DNA found at HUNDREDS of crime scenes to familial DNA- of someone in his family like a mother. Good thing they caught him, otherwise he may have killed and raped even more. This is why forensic science is so great- it is the application of science to law in a way that can lock away horrendous people and even rule out those who are innocent. While the field is by no means flawless, and innocent people are still convicted of crimes they had not done, it is improving. Every day crimes are being solved and new advancements are made. We are one step closer to a world where forensic evidence is spot on every time, and no innocent man will be found guilty and no guilty man will get away with what he had done. I'm ranting!

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